个人简介 | 郑永峰,副教授、硕士生导师,香港宝典资料装配式建筑研究所副所长,山东省建筑安全与设备管理协会专家。
ZhengYongfeng, GuoZhengxing. Investigation of joint behavior of disk-lock and cuplok steel tubular scaffold[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2021,177, 106415. (SCI检索、JCR一区、T1期刊) ZhengYongfeng, GuoZhengxing, GuanDongzhi, ZhangXin. Parametric study on a novel grouted rolling pipe splice for precast concrete construction [J], Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 166: 452-463. (SCI检索、JCR一区、T1期刊) ZhengYongfeng, GuoZhengxing, Zhang Xin. Effect of grout properties on bond behavior of grouted pipe splice [J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018, 22(8): 2951-2960.(SCI检索、JCR三区) ZhengYongfeng, Zhu Zhangfeng, GuoZhengxing, Liu Peng. Behavior and splice length of deformed bars lapping in spirally confined grout-filled corrugated duct[J], Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 5280986.(SCI检索、JCR四区) ZhengYongfeng, GuoZhengxing, Liu Jiabin, Chen Xiangnan, Xiao Quandong,Performance and confining mechanism of grouted deformed pipe splice under tensile load, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2016, 19(1): 86~103. (SCI检索、JCR三区) 郑永峰, 郭正兴. 循环荷载作用下新型钢筋套筒灌浆连接结构性能[J]. 湖南大学学报(自科版), 2016, 43(11): 131-140.(EI检索、北大中文核心期刊)